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Tidal Beach Volleyball Club 

Every week from May 27th until July 31st, we'll be hitting the sand and practicing with drills designed to help young athletes improve their agility, reaction time, teamwork, and technique. We provide tournament training for athletes 13u-18u.Sign up today!​

Tidal Summer Programs



Tidal National

Tryout-based program for advanced players aiming for national tournaments and college play. Practices: Mondays & Wednesdays, 5-7 PM. No partner required for tryouts.

For all athletes 13u-18u


High School

Open to all; no tryouts. Flexible payment: per session or full summer discount. Practices: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5-6 PM. No partner needed.

For athletes that have completed 9th grade and above by end of 24-25 school year.


Middle School

Open to all; no tryouts. Flexible payment: per session or full summer discount. Practices: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6-7 PM. No partner needed.

For athletes that have completed 8th grade and under by end of 24-25 school year

Tidal Fan Gear Shop

Our Nike fan shop is currently live! Please purchase all Tidal fan gear through the link below.

"A true competitor works the hardest, cares the most, and makes the best of what they have"

Kerri Walsh

We have a Sister Club!

Grit Volleyball

For our more advanced girls we, encourage you to try out with our sister club: Grit Volleyball.

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